Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We are all well and healthy and busy--and having fun. Sunday was preparation day sorting meds and visiting, then worship with the local church. The congregation here is fantastic! They are probably the huggingest bunch anywhere in the world, and they sing their hearts out!
The carnival in town is quite noisy, but inside the hotel we hear very little except the random, loud fireworks--ALL NIGHT LONG!.
Monday our team set up in the church building and treated all of the church members from Ocotepeque and La Antigua. It was great to see everyone find their niche and be happy in their work.
Today we will go to the prison and treat both prisoners and guards. They get no care otherwise unless they are near death.
I cannot get my laptop to access the internet here so am using the hotel computer when it is available. I will post some photos with the iphone when I can.
Please continue to pray for our safety and success.

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